
Saturday, July 17, 2010

CHANGES OF LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!

What I have on my mind this morning is the changes in life that we go through. The picture I have on this blog is ACTUALLY a picture of me. When I was 19 years old, my best friend Inga and I went to Glamour Shots and had the works done. We took beautiful pictures and we knew we looked GOOD! Well, when we were finished and we left out of the mall, and got into the car, we looked in the mirror and saw what looked to be 2 drag queens. We had so much make-up on that a few people could have used it for beautification ideas. Now someone asked me why don't I do my hair like that now. Well here is the reason, I have gone through changes in life. I work in a facility that there is no need to look good for anyone. The only people I need to look good for is my husband and I. The change is I got older and I have responsibilities .