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Monday, April 18, 2011
King Man Accused Of Raping Juvenile Flees Area - Winston-Salem News Story - WXII The Triad
King Man Accused Of Raping Juvenile Flees Area - Winston-Salem News Story - WXII The Triad
Man Accused Of Urinating Inside Patrol Car - Winston-Salem News Story - WXII The Triad
Man Accused Of Urinating Inside Patrol Car - Winston-Salem News Story - WXII The Triad
Woman, Fiance, 3 Kids Killed In Crash, Friend Says - Winston-Salem News Story - WXII The Triad
Duke Lacrosse Accuser Indicted On Murder Charge - Winston-Salem News Story - WXII The Triad
Duke Lacrosse Accuser Indicted On Murder Charge - Winston-Salem News Story - WXII The Triad
It's coming back on her for her lies.
It's coming back on her for her lies.
Is Three Cups of Tea Writer Greg Mortenson a Fraud?
By Lloyd Grove and Mike Giglio, The Daily Beast

A bombshell 60 Minutes report has left the writer's Three Cups of Tea memoir -- which earned him millions and made him a humanitarian folk hero -- in tatters. Lloyd Grove and Mike Giglio report on the fallout.
When 60 Minutes was finished with superstar philanthropist and U.S. military adviser Greg Mortenson on Sunday night, the author of Three Cups of Tea-a 2006 bestselling memoir of adventures and good works in Afghanistan and Pakistan-was in a million little pieces.
Related story on The Daily Beast: Al Sharpton: Obama's Go-To Black Leader
Correspondent Steve Kroft reported that key anecdotes in Mortenson's inspirational narrative-which launched him as a humanitarian folk hero, attracted $60 million in donations to his nonprofit Central Asia Institute, and personally earned him millions of dollars in book royalties and lecture fees-appear to have been fabricated. (Click here to watch the full report.)
"Another hero bites the dust," MTV founder Tom Freston, a frequent visitor to Afghanistan, told The Daily Beast. Freston lived in Kabul in the late 1970s, traveling the hardscrabble country as a garment exporter. "And it's especially bad in this case, as there are so few heroes in that troubled part of the world."
Afghan media mogul Saad Mohseni, whose Moby Group runs the nation's dominant television and radio outlets, reacted with sorrow at the report.
"If the allegations are true," Mohseni told The Daily Beast, "then it is a tremendous blow to humanitarian and education related nongovernment work in Afghanistan and Pakistan, as many in the West will shy away from helping similar projects in the future." Mohseni added: "Mr. Mortenson was not that well known in Afghanistan and his fame in the U.S. surprised many of us in Kabul... However, the man needs to be given an opportunity to defend himself."
Notably false, Kroft reported, were Mortenson's heartwarming tale of how the simple mountain villagers in Korphe, Pakistan, saved his life after he got lost during a perilous descent of K2, the world's second highest peak; how he repaid their kindness by returning to build them a school; and how he was subsequently kidnapped for eight days by the Taliban.
"It's a beautiful story, and it's a lie," best-selling author Jon Krakauer, a former friend and financial supporter of Mortenson's, told 60 Minutes, which offered strong evidence that Mortenson was never lost or separated from fellow mountain climbers during his 1993 descent, that he never visited or even heard of Korphe until a year afterward, and that the men he identified as Taliban kidnappers were actually his tour guides.
Mortenson's book agent, Elizabeth Kaplan, declined to comment on the 60 Minutes report, writing in an email to The Daily Beast: "I'm on a runway at Newark airport heading for Prague." His co-author, Portland, Oregon, journalist David Oliver Relin, could not be reached. The public relations executive at Viking-Penguin, Paul Slovak, didn't respond to our email, and Viking-Penguin refused to answer 60 Minutes' questions or speak to Kroft, who, in a classic ambush scene, tried to grill his quarry at a book signing, only to be led away by security.
But the embattled author did try to defend himself to his hometown newspaper, The Bozeman, Montana, Daily Chronicle. "I hope these allegations and attacks, the people doing these things, know this could be devastating for tens of thousands of girls, for the sake of Nielsen ratings and Emmys," Mortenson told the paper in a phone interview on Friday, after 60 Minutes began publicizing its exclusive. In a later statement, he conceded that his account of his descent from K2 was "a compressed version of events that took place in the fall of 1993."
Kroft's revelations are much more serious than a publishing scandal akin to the exposure of James Frey's largely fantasized 2003 autobiography, A Million Little Pieces. Until Sunday night, the 53-year-old Mortenson was so respected an authority on the exotic region that Washington think tanks such as the Aspen Institute regularly invited him to speak. Top American generals such as David Petraeus and Stanley McChrystal ardently sought Mortenson's advice and depended on him to set up meetings between he U.S. military and village elders.
When 60 Minutes was finished with superstar philanthropist and U.S. military adviser Greg Mortenson on Sunday night, the author of Three Cups of Tea-a 2006 bestselling memoir of adventures and good works in Afghanistan and Pakistan-was in a million little pieces.
Related story on The Daily Beast: Al Sharpton: Obama's Go-To Black Leader
Correspondent Steve Kroft reported that key anecdotes in Mortenson's inspirational narrative-which launched him as a humanitarian folk hero, attracted $60 million in donations to his nonprofit Central Asia Institute, and personally earned him millions of dollars in book royalties and lecture fees-appear to have been fabricated. (Click here to watch the full report.)
"Another hero bites the dust," MTV founder Tom Freston, a frequent visitor to Afghanistan, told The Daily Beast. Freston lived in Kabul in the late 1970s, traveling the hardscrabble country as a garment exporter. "And it's especially bad in this case, as there are so few heroes in that troubled part of the world."
Afghan media mogul Saad Mohseni, whose Moby Group runs the nation's dominant television and radio outlets, reacted with sorrow at the report.
"If the allegations are true," Mohseni told The Daily Beast, "then it is a tremendous blow to humanitarian and education related nongovernment work in Afghanistan and Pakistan, as many in the West will shy away from helping similar projects in the future." Mohseni added: "Mr. Mortenson was not that well known in Afghanistan and his fame in the U.S. surprised many of us in Kabul... However, the man needs to be given an opportunity to defend himself."
Notably false, Kroft reported, were Mortenson's heartwarming tale of how the simple mountain villagers in Korphe, Pakistan, saved his life after he got lost during a perilous descent of K2, the world's second highest peak; how he repaid their kindness by returning to build them a school; and how he was subsequently kidnapped for eight days by the Taliban.
"It's a beautiful story, and it's a lie," best-selling author Jon Krakauer, a former friend and financial supporter of Mortenson's, told 60 Minutes, which offered strong evidence that Mortenson was never lost or separated from fellow mountain climbers during his 1993 descent, that he never visited or even heard of Korphe until a year afterward, and that the men he identified as Taliban kidnappers were actually his tour guides.
Mortenson's book agent, Elizabeth Kaplan, declined to comment on the 60 Minutes report, writing in an email to The Daily Beast: "I'm on a runway at Newark airport heading for Prague." His co-author, Portland, Oregon, journalist David Oliver Relin, could not be reached. The public relations executive at Viking-Penguin, Paul Slovak, didn't respond to our email, and Viking-Penguin refused to answer 60 Minutes' questions or speak to Kroft, who, in a classic ambush scene, tried to grill his quarry at a book signing, only to be led away by security.
But the embattled author did try to defend himself to his hometown newspaper, The Bozeman, Montana, Daily Chronicle. "I hope these allegations and attacks, the people doing these things, know this could be devastating for tens of thousands of girls, for the sake of Nielsen ratings and Emmys," Mortenson told the paper in a phone interview on Friday, after 60 Minutes began publicizing its exclusive. In a later statement, he conceded that his account of his descent from K2 was "a compressed version of events that took place in the fall of 1993."
Kroft's revelations are much more serious than a publishing scandal akin to the exposure of James Frey's largely fantasized 2003 autobiography, A Million Little Pieces. Until Sunday night, the 53-year-old Mortenson was so respected an authority on the exotic region that Washington think tanks such as the Aspen Institute regularly invited him to speak. Top American generals such as David Petraeus and Stanley McChrystal ardently sought Mortenson's advice and depended on him to set up meetings between he U.S. military and village elders.
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Daycare Employees Charged With Abusing 2-Year-Old
Daycare Employees Charged With Abusing 2-Year-Old
Once again a safe place(or at least supposed to be a safe place for children) hurting children.
Once again a safe place(or at least supposed to be a safe place for children) hurting children.
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NO SMOKING AND A DIET ???????????????

Well starts a crazy week for me but I am determined to get through it and come out for the better. Today is day three for NO SMOKING. I have coughed for the last two days and have read that will stop in about a month's time. Below is an article I found about what happens to your body when you quit.
Smoking cessation timeline – the health benefits over time
- In 20 minutes, your blood pressure and pulse rate decrease, and the body temperature of your hands and feet increase.
- Carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke reduces the blood’s ability to carry oxygen. At 8 hours, the carbon monoxide level in your blood decreases to normal. With the decrease in carbon monoxide, your blood oxygen level increases to normal.
- At 24 hours, your risk of having a heart attack decreases.
- At 48 hours, nerve endings start to regrow and the ability to smell and taste is enhanced.
- Between 2 weeks and 3 months, your circulation improves, walking becomes easier and you don’t cough or wheeze as often. Phlegm production decreases. Within several months, you have significant improvement in lung function.
- In 1 to 9 months, coughs, sinus congestion, fatigue and shortness of breath decrease as you continue to see significant improvement in lung function. Cilia, tiny hair-like structures that move mucus out of the lungs, regain normal function.
- In 1 year, risk of coronary heart disease and heart attack is reduced to half that of a smoker.
- Between 5 and 15 years after quitting, your risk of having a stroke returns to that of a non-smoker.
- In 10 years, your risk of lung cancer drops. Additionally, your risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, kidney and pancreas decrease. Even after a decade of not smoking however, your risk of lung cancer remains higher than in people who have never smoked. Your risk of ulcer also decreases.
- In 15 years, your risk of coronary heart disease and heart attack in similar to that of people who have never smoked. The risk of death returns to nearly the level of a non-smoker.
What Are the Benefits of a Fruit & Veggies Only Diet?
A diet of just fruit and vegetables is a variation of the raw food diet; another label might be a "detox" diet. On the raw food diet, one eats only fruits, nuts, vegetables, leafy greens, seeds and sprouts and other uncooked, plant-based food. If your current diet is leaving you lethargic and overweight, this diet could jump-start your body into a healthier lifestyle. If interested, grab a grocery cart, hit the produce aisle, and expect to see some amazing benefits of an all-fruit-and-vegetable diet.
Weight Loss
- Consuming only fruits and vegetables will lead to weight loss because of the low calorie and carbohydrate content of these foods. Additionally, few fruits (with the notable exception of avocados and olives) contain fat. Therefore, you could eat pounds of fruit and still lose weight because the nutrients responsible for weight gain are minimal or absent.
This diet, however, may be accompanied by accompany hunger pangs while the body copes to get enough calories. Though "fat" is often associated with "weight gain," eat plenty of avocados and olives to help create a feeling of satiety. Otherwise, expect to be eating every hour.
Lower Risk of Disease and Illness
- Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins and antioxidants. Additionally, the Harvard School of Public Health lauds these foods for their ability to lower the risk of cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure and other illnesses.
In fact, links the correlation between poor health and obesity with a low consumption of fruits and vegetables. If your diet was previously low on these healthy foods, then this diet could greatly improve your overall health.
Other benefits of a raw food diet, which is rich in fruits and vegetables, are outlined in the book, "The Raw Food Diet Revolution." They include improved digestion, increased energy and vitality, elimination or reduction of the allergies, colds and sickness, and less sleep.
Healthier Body
- Along with weight loss, a diet high in fruits and vegetables should cause an improvement in eye health, skin, hair, and nails. Each vegetable or fruit can improve certain body functions, depending on their chemical composition. Carrots, for example, are high in vitamin A. This vitamin is responsible for hair and nail growth. Avocados contain monounsaturated fats that make hair shiny and healthy. For a list of how each fruit can improve certain functions, see Resources below.
I think next week I will add vegetables. I will add something back each week but I am trying to keep it a clean diet. Wish me good luck and I hope I can stick with it.. NO negative feelings only positive.
Belly dancing sinks NYC woman's disability claim
NEW YORK — A New York City woman who was getting $850 a month in alimony because she was supposedly disabled and unable to work had her payments slashed after her ex-husband spotted online photos of her belly dancing.
Brian McGurk went to court after discovering a blog that showed his 43-year-old ex-wife dancing at a gallery.
In other Internet postings, she wrote about dancing vigorously for several hours every day.
Dorothy McGurk told the court that the dancing was physical therapy for injuries she suffered in a car accident in the mid-1990s.
A county judge didn't buy it _ and reduced her payments to $400 per month.
The judge also ordered her to pay her ex-husband's legal fees and 60 percent from the sale of their home.
Brian McGurk went to court after discovering a blog that showed his 43-year-old ex-wife dancing at a gallery.
In other Internet postings, she wrote about dancing vigorously for several hours every day.
Dorothy McGurk told the court that the dancing was physical therapy for injuries she suffered in a car accident in the mid-1990s.
A county judge didn't buy it _ and reduced her payments to $400 per month.
The judge also ordered her to pay her ex-husband's legal fees and 60 percent from the sale of their home.
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