Today's post is for all of the mean, grouchy, sexist, prejudice,cranky, over 60 old ass men.(You know who you are!) Just because you are older does not mean you are wiser. For you it means that you feel you are better than younger people, you don't want to listen to their music and you always have to be right. You act like people should show you respect when you don't earn it or deserve it. You act like you are actually superior to women and it is ok to say degrading things or you act like everyone wants to hear about your sexual escapades and that we all need to know you have to take Viagra just to handle your business. (FYI- Too much information, Thanks for sharing but that you can keep to yourself.)
Also, because of the racist language coming out of your mouth perhaps you need to be wearing a robe with a hood on it so everyone knows who you really are.
While I was growing up I was taught to respect my elders. Needless to say I do respect my elders but for the people (and you know who you are) that fit in this category- RESPECT IS EARNED NOT GIVEN FREELY TO YOUR KIND OF ELDERLY PEOPLE. THE ONLY RESPECT YOU WILL GET FROM ME IS THAT HOPEFULLY I CAN HOLD MY TONGUE TO KEEP FROM CUSSING YOUR ASS OUT.