
Sunday, March 20, 2011

SWEET SIXTEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

University of North Carolina Tarheels Interloc...Image via Wikipedia
Regional - Round 3
Final 1 2 T
45 38 83
44 42 86
Preview | Boxscore | Recap 
Leaders Washington North Carolina
Points T. Ross 19 T. Zeller 23
Rebounds A. N'Diaye 11 J. Henson 10
Assists I. Thomas 8 K. Marshall 14
Regional - Round 3
Final 1 2 T
33 38 71
37 36 73
Preview | Boxscore | Recap 
Leaders Michigan Duke
Points D. Morris 16 N. Smith 24
Rebounds Z. Novak 5 K. Singler 8
Assists D. Morris 6 K. Singler 4
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NEW E*TRADE Baby -- Solitary


tattoo By Grisha maslovImage via Wikipedia

Way Too Much Information About:

(1)  In 1 to 2 hours: Wash hands, remove bandage, hand wash tattoo with warm
  water & mild soap, rinse well, blot with a paper towel & let air dry about 5 minutes

  Wipe on a small dab of the product of your choice - use just enough to make it
  shine & don't let it get greasy or wet (dab off any liquid).
*  I recommend auquaphor, plain A&D, triple antibiotic, bacatracin ointment,
  vitamin E, or eucerin cream.
*  Don't re-bandage the tattoo -your skin needs to breath.
Keep damn dirty fingers off! Always wash your hands before washing the tattoo.
  For 4 days: Wash tattoo, let air dry 5 min & apply ointment at least twice a day.
*  Wash the tattoo anytime it starts to get crusty & wipe on a fresh dab of ointment.
*  Fresh tattoos weep excess ink the first few days- dab off any liquid, put old sheets
  on your bed & wear something like a soft dark t-shirt under work clothes.

  5th day: Stop using ointment! Your tattoo should have some light flakey scabs
  like a minor scrape or scratch -keep it clean and let it peel.
*   It's ok to use a little unscented lotion to moisturize while peeling.
*  Don't pick, scratch, or rub. No soaking, swimming, or direct sun/wind for 2 weeks!
*  Questions or problems? -Ask your artist

  It can take longer than two weeks for the tattoo to finish peeling.
Tattoos should be completely healed within 6 weeks.*  Never use ointments for more than 4 days or put ointment on scabs
  -a dry, scabby tattoo is better than a smothered, soggy tattoo that never heals and
  stays open to infection
*  Eat well, get rest, and let your skin heal itself
*  Itching is normal during healing -a couple of light slaps will help
*  Avoid ointments/salves/lotions that contain sunblock, aloe, itch/pain-relief, or  
  scar reducing ingredients... they usually cause irritaton or have bleaching agents
*  Wash off and stop using any soaps, ointments, or lotions that cause burning or
  irritation. A tattoo can be healed dry without products
*  Be aware of your fresh tattoo and your environment during the first four days of healing

You don't have to be totally paranoid -just remember soap and water are your friends.* Always wash your hands before touching your tattoo
* Don't let other people touch your fresh tattoo
* Be cautious about surfaces in public places (bars, restraunts, gyms, hospitals)* Don't put your finger in your nose & then touch your tattoo.
* Watch out for acrylic fingernails -they hold lots of bacteria.
Being careful and washing frequently can save you a trip to the doctor for an antibiotic.
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