
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Guilford Co. Schools Could Lose 300 Position

Estimate: School system could lose $37 million in funding

Guilford Co. Schools Could Lose 300 Positions
Guilford County Schools could lost more than $37 million and almost 300 positions as part of planned state budget cuts, according to the Greensboro News & Record.

School system officials will work over the next few weeks to determine the impact of a potential loss of 300 state-paid positions.

In November, the N.C. Department of Public Instruction released a list of possible cuts to lawmakers. The cuts include a 5 to 10 percent reductions that will help the state close it's projected $3.2 billion deficit.

Guilford County's share of the cuts could be as high as $37.2 million and 293 positions, according to the paper. Of those positions, 253 would be classroom teaching positions.

Charlotte and Mecklenburg counties could be asked to give up 573 positions and 605 positions, respectively.

It is not known where next year's cuts would be concentrated or how many jobs could be saved through fiscal maneuvers.


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