
Sunday, February 6, 2011

BEST WAY TO LOSE WEIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The human gastrointestinal tract refers to the stomach and intestine, the gastrointestinal (GI) tract is 5 metres (20 ft) long in a live subject, or up to 9 metres (30 ft) without the effect of muscle tone, and consists of the upper and lower GI tracts.
In a healthy human adult this process can take between 24 and 72 hours. Food digestion physiology varies between individuals and upon other factors such as the characteristics of the food and size of the meal.[17]
So if it depends on the characteristics of food and the size of your meal then that means- red meat would be harder to digest and large meals would be hard to digest as well. Just think if you ate smaller meals and maybe became a vegetarian then you would lose weight.  I also read their are different degrees of being a vegetarian.

There are a number of types of vegetarianism, which exclude or include various foods.
  • Ovo vegetarianism includes eggs but not dairy products.
  • Lacto vegetarianism includes dairy products but not eggs.
  • Ovo-lacto vegetarianism (or lacto-ovo vegetarianism) includes animal/dairy products such as eggs, milk, and honey.
  • Veganism excludes all animal flesh and animal products, including milk, honey, and eggs, and may also exclude any products tested on animals, or any clothing from animals.[20]
  • Raw veganism includes only fresh and uncooked fruit, nuts, seeds, and vegetables. Vegetables can only be cooked up to a certain temperature.[21]
  • Fruitarianism permits only fruit, nuts, seeds, and other plant matter that can be gathered without harming the plant.[22]
  • Buddhist vegetarianism (also known as su vegetarianism) excludes all animal products as well as vegetables in the allium family (which have the characteristic aroma of onion and garlic): onion, garlic, scallions, leeks, or shallots.
  • Macrobiotic diets consist mostly of whole grains and beans.
So I think maybe this is something we should try. Get plenty of exercise and change our diet. Less meat and more vegetables and fruits. Maybe the thing is we have 30 feet of a digestive tract and things, like meat, may take up to 72 hours to leave our bodies. Well no wonder we can't lose weight the food we are shoveling in is taking to long to leave our bodies. It's time for a change because we are killing ourselves. Just think we could have excellent meals without all of the meat. You don't have to go 100% meat free. Just eat fish and chicken but not everyday. Plus, you have to leave the heavy meals alone. Like mac n cheese and heavy creams on pasta.
I just told my husband about this and he is all for it. So we are going to try to cut back on meats and eat more vegetables and fruits. We have already joined the YMCA and started exercising so now we have to fix our eating habits. I think it is disgusting for food to stay in my body for 72 hours before it leaves. I am changing my way of thinking in regards to my body and health. Anyways, it doesn't hurt to try something new. Maybe it will just work.

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